Upstate NY Babies

NBR: Let's talk Real Housewives

Based on the poll from the other day, it seems like many of us are watching The Real Housewives so let's talk about them.  I just watched last night's episode and I can't stand Alexis' husband, he is controlling.  I don't really mind her but when she's with him, she's annoying too.  I hate the "man of the house, he's always in control" crap.  And what was with Tamra in the hot tub, is she trying to break into the porn business?  I felt like Vicki was hardly in the episode and Peggy isn't much either but she's always with Alexis and they're crazy competitive with each other.  I usually like Gretchen but she was kind of mean with Slade last night. 

So a Housewives poll...

What's your favorite location?  OC, NJ, or Beverly Hills-that really narrows it down.

Least favorite?  NY, especially now that Bethanny is gone. 

Have you watched Miami?  I'm having a harder time getting into Miami. 

Does your SO watch with you?  No way, I get a big eye roll from him when the shows are on.  


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