Upstate NY Babies

Moms of Girls: First Haircuts?

WWYD? DD's looks like she's one of the little rascals or a little orphan child because her hair is so thin, scraggly, and uneven. She won't let us pull it up into a rubber band or barret, so it looks like a big mess all of the time. DH and my Mom keep pushing me to have her go get it trimed to help even it out. I keep saying no, because her hair is not that long and for them to be able to even it out they'd have to cut it short. DH said no, just have them trim some of the really odd long pieces right now. Don't know what I should do. Should I let it just grow and it will work itself out...which has been my theory the whole time or even should I take her and if so who I would take her to, and what would I tell just do a trim and only cut a tiny bit off?
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