Single Parents


We have our Custody Conference coming up and my son's father is asking for what is ridiculous things (IMO of course).  Here are the issues:

* If son needs emergency care I have to first call him and ask permission before taking him to the ER or calling an ambulance. There is no way I'll put my child's life on the line to ask permission from him!!

* For son's entire life my family has been the only family involved in his life - so for 6 years he's had the same traditions for holidays. I suggested splitting the day with his father so that son can still participate in what he's always know and still see both parents. Father is refusing and says he wants it that he has him one year and I the other so that he can take him to spend holiday time with his family who has nothing to do with son at all.

* Father does not have any involvement with the child other then on his scheduled weekends which he never picks up when he's supposed to, complains when he can't make plans because of pick-up/dropoff of son interferring, does not attend or even inquire about school conferences, activies, awards, concerts, ect.

* Promised son he'd call every Wednesday and doesn't. Doesn't return son's calls. Didn't even call son on his birthday :-(

* Doesn't give son baths when he's there for weekend visits.

*  Son's weekend with father consists of father sitting him in front of the TV with either a movie or video game while he sleeps, cleans his apartment or spends time with his GF - which son has complained about and his complaints were dismissed by father as lies.

I totally feel like I'm abusing my son by sending him to visit with his father. It kills me that my son is hurting and being neglected but I feel like there's nothing I can do about it.  I guess I'm looking for a little bit of hope that at the custody conference my son won't be forced to lose time with me and my family who are always there for him and be forced to spend time being neglected and ignored by people who don't know him and don't seem to care to know him.  

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