Upstate NY Babies

4th bday party was a success :)

It was a lot of work, but DD had a great birthday!

Fri she had her school party - we made awesome cupcakes and she wore her birthday shirt.  We had taken her to Build A Bear on Sunday, so she had a brand new puppy to take with her for show and tell.

Saturday (3/19) was her true birthday.  She woke up and came downstairs and we had a big pile of gifts for her, and then we had a pancake breakfast.  She actually had another birthday party to go to, she had a lot of fun.

Sunday was her birthday party, which we had at home with about 16 people (adults/kids).  It was very nice, we managed to pull it off even though I was stressing out big time.  DH had said he had the whole week to help me and then he ended up busy and not helping until Saturday night (I went to bed like 2am and the house was still a mess).

The only other damper was that despite DH checking in with his dad several times about the party, his dad showed up 20 minutes after the party ended (no call or text), and proceeded to eat and stay for several hours until both kids were sobbing (they both needed naps).  I had the party end at 1:30 so my younger could get her nap and we could all relax... so because of FIL, DD took a super late nap and went to bed at almost 11pm.  FIL has done this for four years and I am so over it.

 All in all, I can't believe my DD is 4!


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