Single Parents

regrets after first court appearance, probably have to go again

ExBf lives in PA, I have primary custodial but we have joint legal and physical custody. the judge said it would be best for us to work things out between us instead of just letting him decided. we went into mediation right than and there and i was so relieved to talk to exbf face to face and we tried to work things out and he agreed to a few things but i'm left with such regret. if i would have had a lawyer none of this would ever happened. now i have to file another motion/petition because i got a bad deal.

i left my job because my son had recurring ear infections and has to have tubes put in and my job was not family friendly. When I brought this up in court they said since i quit my job i have to report my salary as income for child support. so if i was still a stay at home mom, exbf would have to pay more. than he had already claimed our son on his taxes, got a sizable return, i got nothing and he hadn't paid me any money since i left seven months ago, stole the crib my parents bought for my son and has not paid any of the hospital bills. believe it or not all of my amendments were in my originial petition for custody but were not brought up in court. so now i'm out the income tax money, my son's crib, all the hopsital bills from the birth of my son and he still hasnt paid one penny in almost 8 months. but he made a profit from the income taxes. UGH!

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