Upstate NY Babies

My Appt f/u

So I had my appt with my OB/GYN today.  I brought in my charts for him to see.  And I also started using OPKs this cycle, so my + from a couple days ago is on that too.


Side note here: I got a + on day 15 this cycle.  But now I am on day 18 and have still not had a temp shift.  What is up with that?  It did go lower today, so maybe my shift will be tomorrow.  But that would make it 4 days after the +.  Also, it has been - ever since.


So my dr said that it does look like my LP is too short.  He is having me get blood tested 8 days after the +.  So it will be on day 23.  So not 8 days after the temp shift (which would have more likely been also cd1).

I really hope the stress over my work and needing to find a daycare didn't mess up this cycle and that is why the temp shift still hasn't happened yet.


Interestingly enough, he said something about that most likely when I was on birth control pills before and got pregnant with dd, that actually helped me get pregnant if it is a progesterone/estrogen thing. 

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