Upstate NY Babies

Crazy story about my sister's day care

My sister owns a daycare center that is located at one end of an L-shaped plaza.  At the other end is a small Italian market/deli.  Late Saturday night, someone hopped the eight foot stockade fence into her playground, broke into her back door and then tried to go through the ceiling of the center into the business next door.  When that didn't work, they ransacked her office and kitchen looking for tools and ended up using her kitchen knives to cut a hole through the wall (they also attempted to kick in the wall but that didn't work either).  After cutting through her wall, they continued on through two other businesses before finally breaking into the office of the market, stealing some money and setting off an alarm.  The whole situation is just so bizarre!  The weirdest thing is that my sister had her laptop sitting on her desk and there was cash in her drop box that they didn't even notice.  The police are guessing that it was someone who knew the layout of the plaza because they knew right where to go to get through from one business to the next.  Thankfully my BIL is handy and he was able to get everything patched up and my sister cleaned up all the fingerprint dust so they could open on Monday.  
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