Single Parents

so happy with my decision to not reconcile

kids' dad and I have been separated for 3 years, and I briefly considered reconciling with him last summer.  he swore up and down that he changed and wanted our family more than anything.  he had a pregnant ex girlfriend at the time, and I came to my senses and told him no way. 

he texted me last night with a new phone number, and said he deleted his FB too.  I asked if everything was okay because that's not like him and I was worried he was in trouble or something, and he said that his girlfriend (and new baby's mom) caught him texting and talking to another girl.  he said he realizes now he has a problem with that so he decided to delete everything and start fresh, and only give his number to certain people so there's no temptation there.

I sorta feel sorry for his gf and baby because he did that to me twice... I don't think he'll ever change :(

SS10 - SD9 - DD7 - DS5 - DS born 10/3/12
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