Upstate NY Babies

WWYD (re: IL's dogs)

My IL's live out of state so when we go visit, we usually go for a couple days/nights. They have 3 dogs, 2 of which are little (Chihuahua and Min Pin) who are very nippy and protective over MIL. If they are on her lap and someone comes near her they snarl and snap. She "disciplines" them by holding them tight and saying "no" in a very sweet voice so pretty much she rewards the behavior.

We haven't been down to visit in almost a year because I'm afraid of DD getting hurt. She walks all over now and it's an accident waiting to happen. She loves our dogs so she would be curious about theirs. Oh the best part is the Min Pin was surrendered to a shelter by a previous owner for biting their granddaughter. I don't know how to handle this bc DH really wants to go home to visit. We can get a hotel but it's in a big city and very expensive, plus we would still end up spending the day at the IL's house. Their family is not very good at communicating so they have a hard time "confronting" each other about issues. WWYD?

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