Single Parents

Update and Advice Needed

EX got "jumped by 5 guys" (according to his FB) and he's "pretty f*cked up" because of it. Why did he get jumped? Ohh perhaps because he's living in a drug dealer's house? Perhaps because he was trying to sell cheap weed and pass it off as "the good stuff"? Or perhaps because he's trying to hook up with a girl who already has a boyfriend? IDK. It could be any of the above. I have been documenting everything I find that shows he's been doing/selling drugs and that shows he's not staying at his sister's house per his home plan.

Here's what I need advice about. I found a photo on his FB that is from right before EX and I broke up. It would have been during the middle of the day when I was at work and he was at home with DD, but there's no date or time stamp on it. There is a pipe sitting on the counter right next to DD. I saved the pic, but I just don't know if I can do anything with it since there's no timestamp on it. I mean, it was a year ago now so I don't know if it will have any relevance when we finally do go to mediation anyway. WDYT?

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