Single Parents

Hola. Need advice, TIA.

New to this board, not the bump.


Lots has changed since last year when I was a regular on the boards.


First, my son is doing so well.  He's such a great kid and I'm really lucky.  He's been the light of my life and what has gotten me through this crap and kept me strong.


Ok second- divorce will be final in fourteen days (the 29th).  Third- four orders of protection keep me safe from my exhusb.  Fourth- we can be civil at times regarding our son (one of the OOP is modified to set out terms for visitation and drop off/pick up and communication via text only and only about our son).  


So... my question is this- for those of you who have successfully escaped violent relationships- how do you deal with the lingering verbal/text etc harassment and BS?  What I mean by this is- random texts at all hours of the night, ranting, flipping out, sending me pic messages of our son with nasty texts.  


Anything too intense- and I would def. file another violation of the order of protection- but for the most part its annoying and harassing- I can deal with it from a distance- but what are some of your ideas- family court is a major time suck and if i went for every thing he said to me outside of the provisions of the OOP, (barring threats of violence- which I would obviously go back for)- how do you deal with it- I can't keep being at court and also keep working.  I can't block his texts because I get updates via text while he has visitation of our son per the court order.  I would love to run to my lawyer to tell him every little thing, but lawyers are expensive and being that my divorce is done in fourteen days, I don't want this to drag out and I dont want to keep racking up more atty fees for this douchecanoe.  


TIA for your thoughts.  Sorry to just bombard you guys with the rando questions.


If you  need a good idea as to what I am dealing with think: charlie sheen, but totally broke.  awesome.  


Feel free to ask any questions at all. 

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