Single Parents

Why does it even bother me?

....that X has stopped asking about DS as much as he used to? I knew it would happen that he would slowly become less involved but I guess I wasn't as prepared as I thought. It reminds me of the same thing he did to me - pretended to be interested and care at the beginning then when the novelty of having someone around wore off, it was like I didn't even exist. I always make the effort to call whenever DS does something new like trying rice cereal, his first giggle, I send pictures every 2 weeks to his parents (he doesn't have email) and yet not ONE thank you or excitement about his latest accomplishment. When I called him on Monday to tell him about his first spoon feeding I was so excited and all he said was "cool" then started talking to his cousin who was at his house and had to "let me go because he was busy". He's always been too busy to care. My heart breaks for DS thinking about how he won't know what a dad is.

I'm trying to be strong but I just want to cry. Please tell me that it gets easier with time...

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