Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Vent: DH's office parenting advice...

So every since we had DD, DH constantly comes home with some "pearls of parenting wisdoms" from his office.  I know most people are trying to be helpful but it annoys me when I have to explain WHY everytime.  What really annoys me is when they tell him all the bad things about being a parent... for instance today it was "don't buy new furniture for at least 5 years because your child will destroy it", or "you will never be able to retire because you had a baby", "oh, you had a girl... just wait until she starts dating", basically it is some form of "your life is over as you know it" etc.  My favorite are the STTN suggestions...  "what your 2 week old isn't sttn yet, well ours was the 2nd day we came home from the hospital".
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