Single Parents

Is this dumb to be ticked about?

I'm not fuming or anything but just irritated. I don't like wasting my energy on this stuff but I'm just bugged by it.

My ex and I have been getting a long really well lately. I have to give him a lot of credit for turning a lot around in a short amount of time. I certianly don't expect overnight perfection. But this just got me.

My DS has been having a really hard time with the seperation. Today is particularly hard for him, a lot of crying, asking for Daddy etc. So by tonight he was just getting to a point of being beside himself, "want Daddy home", "I worried about Daddy", etc.

So I call him and he's nice about it but says, "I'm sorry that sucks, I don't know what you want me to do though". I tell him that R really wants to see him and is upset. He says, "well I'm already downtown with my Dad for the hockey game"... So like I said, it's not a big deal but if it were me and I heard my son was having that hard of a time and asking for me, I'd be in the car in a second. But maybe that's just the difference between us... I don't know it just bugged me, probably just the product of a really hard day. Sad

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