Upstate NY Babies

Eve's appt update

It went pretty well..

As far as the standard stuff, she is 27lbs and 34.25 inches.. between then 50th-60th percentile for both.. not my little shrimp anymore.

The dr honestly didn't even ASK a lot about developmental stuff, which frustrated me.. He obviously was impressed by her language and could tell she was smart.. he asked about climbing stairs and kicking a ball which she can do.. but nothing else.. So I asked about it.. he didn't seem horribly concerned because she at least  brings a spoon/fork to her mouth. He said to give this stuff like 3-4 more months for improvement and then if i wanted we could do an eval.. he said with someone from Children's. And he said to just let her eat what she will eat.. he seems to think it is more an issue of her just not being interested in eating.. which has obviously the case with her since day 1. He gave me a few ideas for practicing with her..not too different from what you ladies suggested. Of course, we went to lunch after and she ate like a superstar, even used her fork really well.

So I feel better about it.. and I am going to really work with her.. Yesterday for lunch I had her feed her doll bites of food in between her taking bites and it helped I think. I really don't have any ideas on how to get her to drink from the cup properly though. So we'll have to work on that. If it doesn't improve soon though I am either gonna call the dr back or call EI.

I asked about the blood she had in her nose this past week and he said it was probably just dryness and that we should always run the humidifier during the winter, which we had not been doing until the blood started.. He did see some dry/irritated spots in her nose. 

She had to get a flu shot even though its march.. I wasn't totally sold on that because it supposedly takes 2 weeks to go into effect.. but the dr said that one of his kids had the flu just a couple weeks ago (that hadn't gotten the shot) and he actually got his wife the shot after the kid got sick and he thought it helped a little bit at least since his wife didn't get sick. But the nurse gave her a lollipop so she didn't even cry..  She doesn't feel great from it after her nap though, so thats sad.


Melissa & Jeff 5-27-06
m/c 1/2/08 and 3/12/08
Eve Amelia- Born 2/24/09. 6lb 9.9oz
Natalie Ruth - Born 6/13/11 7lb 6.6oz
baby growth
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