March 2011 Moms

Liam's birth story PIP

My beautiful boy is here!  It all started last tuesday at 7:30 am when I went in for my weekly check-up and they noticed my BP was high, I was super swollen, and I had some protein in my urine.  My dr immediately sent me over to the hospital because he was worried about pre-e.  They ran all kinds of tests and everything came back normal, but since I was already 38+ weeks they decided to go ahead and induce before my BP got worse.  They admited me at around 12, started my IV at around 3 and started the pitocin at around 4ish.  By around 7pm I really started feeling contractions and by 8 or 9 they gave me this wonderful medicine that made the room look wavy!  Around 11 that stopped working and I asked when I could have my epidural and by 12 this amazing man came in and put it in for me!  It was pure heaven... I even told the anastesiologist that I loved him.  This really started progressing and sometime soon after that my water broke.  That was gross and the way it came out with such force I thought I had pooped on myself and I made my DH check under the covers before he called the nurse.  This was totally not my finest moment!  They kept checking my dialation throughout the night and I kept progressing slowly.  By 7:30 am I was already to a 6.5 and we thought it was going to be quite a while before I got to a 10, but by 8:30 I was to a 9.5 and he was almost positioned to come out.  They turned me on my left side and by 9 Liam was ready to be born!  My dr was in a c-section and I had to wait about 15 mins for him to arrive and the nurse already had me start pushing.  By the time the dr arrived we could already see Liam's hair!  A few pushes later at 9:41 our lil man came into this world!  I was amazed that I only had to have one stitch!  He is the most precious, wonderful baby I have ever seen!  The dr's had some concern about Liam's appearance that he might have Down's Syndrome so we had a genetics counselor come in and evaluate him and do some bloodwork. They did confirm that our lil one has down's.  To be honest with you it was hard to accept at first and sometimes I still cry about it, but when I see his sweet little face I know he was sent to us for a reason.  It's going to be a hard journey, but God never gives us anything we can't handle and he will always give us what we need.  Liam had his first pediatric appointment yesterday and he is completely healthy!  We are so blessed!  He has exceptional muscle tone and is actually stronger than most newborns, down's or not.  I feel so honored that God chose us to be parents of such a special little boy!

imageimage" mce_src="image"> Liam Denver 03-03-11  7lbs 1.6oz, 20 in

Joshua 1:9 - "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.
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