Upstate NY Babies

Any thoughts?

DS has never slept well.  He's usually up anywhere from 4-20+ times each night.  Yes, 20+!!!  He usually just needs his paci replaced and then goes right back to sleep.  Since I returned to work a few weeks ago, nighttime has been brutal.  He's reverted back to fully waking and then us rocking him back to sleep at night.  If DH rocks him, he won't settle and almost searches for me.  I will hold him, rock him, and then put him right back down.  Some nights he just wants to be awake and talk to me for hours.  Sunday night he was wide awake from 12:15 until 5:15 and I had to wake for work at 5:30!!!!  DH mentioned that he thinks it's some sort of separation anxiety since he was use to being with me 24/7 for 6 months.  Any thoughts on this?  Any tips (other than CIO!)?
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