Upstate NY Babies

Vent: Fundraisers and sales!

Just venting.  Tyler is selling Gertrude Hawk chocolate for school, well I am selling it for Tyler's school.  I thought it was great that I didn't have to lug around a catalog since you can order online.  Problem is,  it leads you to their site where you obviously see how much more expensive the same item is as a fund raiser than if you order it direct :-(  And it is easier for people to "forget" to order.  I only sent it to family members.  The order is due today and several of my family members who said they would order haven't.  Just annoying, seems there should be better ways of fund raising than selling stuff like this.

Then I was also trying to sell Thirty-One purse and tote products by hosting a party, which was a huge bust.  Just annoying again because when I thought about hosting a party I asked around and had a bunch of people tell they would be interested.  So I set a date and invited like 50+ people.  A week before the party I had 10 yes and a hand full of maybes, but had only ONE person showed up, the weather was definately a factor :-(  I did have a couple people order a few things on line but it still isn't enought to qualify as a party.  Someone who told she was going to order, told me she ended not ordering off my party because there is a local 31gifts director who is advertising on one of the local blogs any one catalog item 25% off and free local shipping, she will deliver it to your door.  Why would anyone order from a party if this is a choice?!  Seems to totally defeat the purpose of being a home party type product.  I asked my consultant, she didn't know someone was offering that and said that person is making absolutely nothing on that sale.  Makes you wonder what their goal is in doing this because it is obviously hurting business.

 [<b>edited by:</b> TinyPinkBug at 8:17 PM (GMT -6) on Wed, Mar 09 2011]
Just wanted to add that I didn't mean I was upset or frustrated with my guests not coming because we were getting 12 inches of SNOW that afternoon.  The one person that came was my neighbor who only had to walk across the street.  I am really just frustrated at the lady offering the 25% discount!  I would totally order from her instead of a party too!  I am sorry if anyone took offense. 

I truely didn't expect anyone to put this in front of their own personal safety, or thier own child's health and well being.


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