Single Parents

Is it even possible to peacefully co-parent?

I'm so sick of fighting with X. Everything is a huge battle. And he isn't making DS a priority right now, yet says he wants us to be friends and have a good friendship for the purpose of raising our son together. But he always puts his new relationship first.

How exactly am I supposed to be friends with someone who treats me and my son like we are trash? And who only wants to be a parent when it's convenient? 

He has suggested some family counseling for us. Is that even worth it? I would love for this to all work itself out and not have to go to court to fight for custody, but despite all his wonderful words of wanting to work this out amicably, X is still not backing it up. 

I'm so tired of all of it. I'm emotionally drained from dealing with this situation and a screaming, teething baby all the time. Is it even possible to have a good relationship with your baby's father at some point? 

Sorry for the rambling/incoherence. I've had maybe 2 hours of sleep at a time for the last couple of weeks. Yay teething! Not. 

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