Upstate NY Babies

Can I whine a day early?

I'm still sick...I'm really congested and sound like I've been a 2 pack/day smoker for the past 20 years b/c my voice is so hoarse.  And the worst part is...I can't taste anything!  I haven't tasted a morsal of food in 5 days and it just sucks.  I'm eating only out of necessity now b/c I don't have much of an appetite either.

Also, pelvic. rest. sucks.  I hope my previa is corrected at my next u/s on 4/1.  But if not, obviously this is what's best for the baby and it's totally worth it. 

That is all, carry on with your regularly scheduled Bumping.


DD1: 3/31/10 DD2: 9/7/11
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