Upstate NY Babies

WWYD- re: Eve's eating/motor skills.

Eve's 2 year appt is on thursday and I am seriously considering flat out asking for a referall for an OT eval..Eve does NOT eat/feed herself properly for a 2 year old. It is a combination between lack of motor skills and just not liking to eat, I think.. but its gotten bad and honestly every meal I feed her ends in me getting angry and her crying.. I have no patience for it anymore.. 

 1. She is JUST barely able to use a spoon/fork. She still often flips the spoon upside down before it gets to her mouth resulting in it spilling all over her..This has started to get a little better just within the last few weeks but she is still nowhere near "good" at it.

2. She cannot drink from a cup. It isn't even that she will spill it.. she sticks her tongue inside the cup instead of underneath it. I tried the OXO tot cup and she ends up sticking her tongue on the lid of the cup. 

3. The quantity of food she normally eats is pitiful. Her lunch was just a half of a banana and maybe one full chicken nugget. She did have some snacks this morning.. but still. 

4.She also sometimes still has trouble taking bites off of something, or chewing properly. 

5. She sometimes gags on food that she shouldn't gag on. like yogurt. Last night she gagged and spit up yogurt.. 



I don't know.. maybe its just my lack of patience.. My DH and MIL seem to think shes normal.. They are willing to sit and feed her every bite of food though and cut stuff up into tiny pieces for her.. I don't do that.. I expect more of her.. So she eats better for them, but still not great.. 

Its gotten worse since she was sick last week too but its been a full week so i would think her appetite should be back. 

I know this is all I talk about, but its so frustrating to me that my smart, sweet girl just can't eat properly.. And I HATE that I get so mad about it myself.. but i can't help it.. I feel like she could do it if she tried.. but she won't.


Melissa & Jeff 5-27-06
m/c 1/2/08 and 3/12/08
Eve Amelia- Born 2/24/09. 6lb 9.9oz
Natalie Ruth - Born 6/13/11 7lb 6.6oz
baby growth
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