Single Parents

He wants to reconcile...Need Advice (long)

Alright feel free to tell me if I'm being a cliche here by feeling like this...

 I know that leaving when I did was absolutely the right thing to do. He had bad anger issues, he was very lazy and didn't want to just act like a man and father pulling an equal share of the weight. Basically it was like having a very grumpy third child.

Since we split he has all in all been awesome. We've had some difficulties but our communication is actually better than it's ever been. He's being a better dad, he's got a good attititude, etc. We've also had some major problems with his mom lately. She's been completely trashing me, lieing about me to anyone who'll listen and just causing all kinds of unessesary drama, He has not only been supportive of  how I want to handle it but he's gone to bat for me like he never was willling to do before.

Now I know people can't change overnight. And I worry about the "honeymoon" period. I also have thought being a better Dad and getting along was a lot to do with him not having the pressures of the daily responisbilities, but I'm no therepist...

He has gotten himself into counceling and anger management on his own. He wants to go back to couples counceling and actually participate in it this time.

I'm so torn, I was getting into a rythim and trying to figure out how to be happy and myself again. My kids have had a hard time but I figured that in time it would be a really good thing because before it was a lot of tension and fighting. But if he really is doing it this time then wouldn't that be better? 

I will take my time before making a decision. Ultimately I just want what's best for all of us, whatever that means. Thoughts?? 

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