Single Parents

It's official!

I just received my divorce decree!!!  I'm officially single!  I feel such a huge weight lifted!  All in all the judgement wasn't too bad. 

I got sole legal and physical custody of DD and Ex-H (Yay!) has 2 hours of supervised visitation every week that he has to pay for (if he ever decides to see DD; he hasn't seen her since Sept.).  I was awarded no child support and I have to pay spousal maintenance for 8 months (Boo, I know he doesn't have a job, but I wish he was still held somewhat responsible financially for DD; oh well, can't win them all).  Now I just have to wait for Ex-H to file his appeal (in court he said he would appeal the ruling no matter what judgement was issued).  I'm just so excited to be free (I know that I'll always be tied to him because we have a child together, but I still feel so free)!

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