Special Needs

EI / Services help and intro (long)

Hi Ladies,

I have posted here and there on this board with questions but I guess it is now official... I will be joining you. 

AJ's pediatrician told me he was just delayed but I insisted on an evaluation.  He has no words (not momma, dadda, nothing), questionable comprehension, feeding issues, doesn't respond consistently to his name and sporadic eye contact.  He was evaluated in the beginning of February and qualified for speech 2x a week and special ed 3x a week.  We also have a parent coordinator (social worker) who comes in once a week to help our transition.  He started therapy last week and we love his special ed teacher.  I have requested that the speech teacher be taken off and replaced (due to hygiene issue, bringing dirty toys into the house, not wearing gloves, etc.)  AJ has always had feeding issues and during the evaluation, the speech evaluator had him eat a container of yogurt. She stated that he had low oral tone, jaw gliding, weak bite, limited lip movement etc.  We were told that he didn't qualify for feeding therapy but speech would address the low oral tone.  They said that a lot of his feeding issues were behavioral due to the birth of his younger brother.  (AJ only eats yogurt for breakfast, grilled cheese or pancakes for lunch and pasta for dinner - he weighs 20 lbs. at 21 months.  He pockets foods, resists textures, gags and vomits, etc.  Every meal is a struggle).  

I finally received a copy of his evaluation over the weekend.  In it, it states under the recommendations "It is recommended that AJ pursue therapeutic intervention to address communication, play and feeding skills".  I called his SC this morning since that sounds to me as if he does qualify for feeding.  She again said that the speech teacher can address oral motor issues which will lead to him eating and that since we are looking for a new speech therapist, the SC will make sure she has feeding background.  My question is, should I fight for an additional service of just feeding?  Since he only has 2 speech therapies, I don't want one of them being devoted to feeding and him missing out on speech.

He may also need an OT evaluation (was born with a partial split thumb on right hand which was surgically corrected last June but he still has some fine motor issues with that hand).   The SC told me not to bombard him with services which I partially agree with but I don't know.  I don't want to overwhelm AJ but I do want to get him what he needs.

I am very new to this and completely on my own (I don't live near family and my husband works a lot).  Can anyone offer me any advice?  Should I push this issue?  What would you do?

Thanks in advance and I'm sorry for the novel!! 

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