Single Parents

ex-nieces and ex-nephews?

I am relieved to hopefully never have to see XMIL, XSIL, XBIL, and all of XMIL's siblings. That constitutes the entirety of XH's family except for XSIL and XBIL's daughter, who is just a couple of months younger than DS.

I know that DS spends time with his cousin (my ex-niece) during XH's parenting time, and I like that. But I get a pang of guilt when I think about how I didn't get her a first birthday present, and how I'll most likely never be a part of her life and may never even see her again (although maybe at DS's graduation or stg?).

I guess my rambling is bringing me to my own conclusion: even though I hope to never have to deal with XSIL and XBIL, that doesn't mean I can't send my ex-niece a birthday present through XH. Although maybe that's weird, given that she won't really know who I am? What have others done in similar situations?

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