Upstate NY Babies

Bedtime Question

Is it normal for LO's bedtime to get later as they get "older"?  DD is pretty routine with her wake up time (between 745-830) and her nap (falls asleep between 1-130). Her bedtime seems to constantly shift. She used to go down super easy around 730-put her down and not a peep out of her. Now at 730 she fights us like crazy and pitches a fit so we've tried pushing back until 8ish-she still puts up a stink, but we get her down around 8-830 and I swear some night she plays in her crib until 930!  It just seems like she's putting up a huge fight for bed lately and the earlier we put her down, the longer she plays in her we try pushing bedtime back and she's still up late. It's not like it used to be where 5min after she's in the crib she's asleep....ah the good ol' days. I just hate that some nights she's still up there playing at 930 and I head up to bed around 945....I need some quiet "down" time before I go to bed myself! 
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