
Kids shows from a few years ago

I always get a laugh out of the shows we used to watch when DD was really little, about 3 years ago.  Some of them were Higglytown Heroes, Johnny & the Sprites, the Wiggles, and a bunch of others I am trying to remember.  There were those bunnies too..?

Now it is so different!  I was just thinking of it since Disney is now "Disney Jr" with a bunch of new shows (Tinga Tinga Tales, Barbar, Jake & the Neverland Pirates.  Not just Disney has changed.  I never see Kai Lan on any more, and Dr Suess on PBS is new. 

So my 1 year old watches Wiggles on YouTube but not on TV.  There is a theme park near us that has a Wiggles attraction for kids, she would never see Wiggles unless I showed her songs on YouTube. 

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