Baby Names

What do you think of YOUR name?

I LOVE MY NAME - Sarah. 

But, I have 3 major issues:

1) My name doesn't really have a nickname so I always thought that when I gew up I would name my kids names that would have at least one nickname that they could use.  I was sometimes jealous of others' nicknames.

2) I have to spell my name everytime I tell someone my name - or say "with an H".  Or people just spell it how they want.

3) I was always one of many Sara(h)s in every group I have been in.  (That didn't bother me most of the time  - I just made sure I was the dominant one.)

Do you love/hate your name?  Would you recommend your own name to a new soon-to-be parent?  (I would definately suggest Sarah!)

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