Upstate NY Babies

Sleeping in

Does anyone here ever sleep in and have DH get up with the lo?

I get up each morning with dd.  And while bfing, it only made sense bc if I didn't, I would still have to get up and pump.  But now that I'm not....I have started to notice even more how comfy DH looks for hours and hours and hours while I am up.  So I said to him tonight "I think that 1 morning a month you should get up with DD and let me sleep in".  I am so excited and can't wait haha.

I think March is out though, but at least I can look forward to April.  I told him though it won't be a day I work bc then he would have her all day....(you know like on my days off I do!).  And it won't be a Sun bc he works Fri and Sat and "needs" to sleep in on Sunday.  So basically I am looking at a possible of 2 Wednesdays a month, and he has training 1 of them and is driving to pick up a friend at the Niagara Airport the other one.

Still though, just the thought of a possible day of sleeping in next month is exciting!

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