Single Parents

new here? struggling to cope

Hi all. So I'm moving here from the 3-6 month board. My exSO and I were together 9 years almost, met at age 15. Been living together for a little over 5 years. Had our daughter 5 months ago. found out yesterday he's been cheating on me for 3 weeks. He has a past of talking with a girl through texts and I took him back but now he actually slept with this girl. He says he's not happy and he hid it from me because he was scared I'd take our daughter from him. So anyway packed our stuff today and left,staying with family. Basically I'm a wreck. we were supposed to get married this year, he's the only man I've eve r loved, the only man I've ever slept with. I moved out of my parents house and into his. I have never been single really. My whole world just crumbled, I lost my dreams my plans my family and the man I thought I lovd all in a day. I'm Just really struggling trying to deal with the emotions and trying to process it all. I'm overwhelmed & I don't know how to function. My LO is the only thing keeping me going. I feel so betrayed. How can you love someone and do that to them. I need advice. What got you through this time. How do you do it on your own ? I'm so scared. TIA
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