Cloth Diapering

Why do people get so freaked out about CD?

My boss knows I'm going to CD because she asked me about it.  She was laughing about it today saying that she told her husband and he got all riled up and wanted to show me several studies and websites that show the carbon footprint is no different between cloth and disposable, etc., etc.  She said this in front of a group of my co-workers and one person's comment was "well I'd like to see how long that is going to last" in reference to CD just being a phase I will grow out of. 

 I'm just wondering why people get so concerned about something that doesn't affect them in the slightest.  I don't even talk about it unless someone asks so it's not like I'm trying to advertise that I think I'm making better choices than they are.  I could care less how they diaper their kid.  People are weird : )

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