Special Needs

Are their sensory friendly events in your area?

I recently wrote to my local museum of science and technology about the overwhelming sensory stimuli in the museum and asked if they would consider a sensory friendly day.  This museum has about 3 exibits that are extremely overwhelming, I have taken my kids to about a dozen other museums and this is the only one my son can't take.  To my excitement, they wrote back saying it is a wonderful idea and asked me to help them figure out where to start!  I would love to help, but I am limited to the thing that bother my son.  I am going to give them contact info for some local schools that work with SPD kids.  But was also wondering if anyone had a location that does something like this that I can refer them to.  Or even an article about one.  I know I read an article around Christmas, but couldn't find it now.  TIA
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