Cloth Diapering

At least I got fluffy mail today...

It's my birthday today, and all I was looking forward to was sleeping in late and getting a 3 month subscription to the Diaper of the Month club from my parents.  Well, it turns out that DH took an overtime shift tonight (7-7, which is ok, since I'm not working, every bit helps), so I got up with the kids and he got to sleep until almost 1.  We went out to a late lunch, and my parents told me that they didn't get me anything for my birthday yet, because my dad didn't want to get the subscription (he thinks it's stupid).  Oh well...I did get a bunch of diapers that I ordered in the mail today, so that makes up for it!  I can't wait to try them!  And I get to watch whatever I want tonight after the kids go to bed, since DH will be gone the whole night. :)
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