Upstate NY Babies


Last night while Evan was playing with DH before bed - on a whim I decided to go through the alphabet with him. We've only done it a few times...but I usually just say the letter and if he is paying attention to me (so, maybe 30% of the time) he'll repeat the letter. So I said: A....and then he said B, C, D, Where did he pull that from...Super Why??? Haha!! So we went through the whole thing and he did all sorts of strings of letters by himself.

So maybe running after him and reading books AT him while he's playing and not paying attention (and letting him watch Super Why) is actually doing something??

The other night while we were in the tub we were pointing to letters on tub blocks and he was naming those too.

I feel like he is a genius now, well - in comparing him to himself even just a month ago, haha!!!

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