Cloth Diapering

Just a few cloth diaper questions :)

1) How many inserts do we need? How many diapers? We are hoping to wash every 3 days (we have 21 pocket diapers so far)

2) Do you remove the insert from the diaper before washing or leave it in the pocket diaper?

3) It seems like hemp inserts are the best? What is your favorite kind (for day and night)? How many do you typically use at once? I was thinking of using the AFFF ones- do those work well for days also?Has anyone bought the "seconds" of the AFFF?

With inserts and pocket diapers (we have BG) do you have to line dry them or can you put them in the dryer? If you line dry them, where do you personally dry yours? (drying rack of some sort, topr of dryer...?)

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