Single Parents

Just had to deactivate FB

I am just so not in a good place right now. I mentioned something to my sister about how badly I have baby fever right now and how much I want another child. She doesn't get it, she is 5 years younger than me with no kids and no desire to ever have any because she loves her free lifestyle, traveling, etc. Which is totally fine, but I tried to say that she doesn't understand because she doesn't WANT kids and she said something like, "Well I would totally support you having another child if that's what you want, but I just don't see how you are going to manage that when you don't even have any desire to go on a date."

Meanwhile, I am still married. Indifferent

And no, I have no desire to go on a date. I have no plans to actually HAVE a baby and probably never will even have a chance to, but thanks for pointing that out.

So anyway, I just signed out of gchat with her, and deactivated FB because I'm so sick of looking at happy pregnant people all day.

I hate that I am being this way and I know I'm being way too emotional and irrational. And I don't want to be the kind of person who can't even be happy for others. But man, I am just really unhappy right now. Sad

Vent over.

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