Single Parents

How do you accept it & let go?

How do you accept that you'll never accomplish your dreams and goals together.  How do you accept the fact that this is who he is & he isn't going to change?

My husband has made some pretty big mistakes.  He did a pretty good job at convincing me that that wasn't who he was, to give him another chance, & show me the kind of husband & father he was.  After the 4th time of finding out about his cheating I think it's time to accept it.  I'm so stupid for even staying the other times but it's really hard to just leave.  He says it's not him- He turns into a different person when he drinks(he told/promised me he would stop).  Is being drunk a justifiable excuse?  Part of me wants to go into denial & believe that this isn't who he is & he really does love me & he'll change.

Do you ever feel guilty?  I feel like such a horrible mom.  We just had a baby!  Should I just look the other way & pretend like everything is fine for my kids?  Could I have been a better wife?  Could I have done something different to not make him want to cheat?

Does it ever get easier???  Why wasn't I enough for him?  I'm so confused.

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