Cloth Diapering

One thing I don't get...

I've read a ton. I've talked to friends who CD. I've played with different CDs in person. I've done hours and hours of research. But there's one thing I just don't understand.

Everyone says not to buy a whole bunch of one type of diaper and that you need to try different kinds so you know what works for your baby. I don't understand how to do that. 

I know I'll be using pocket diapers for several reasons (won't go into them here).  So trying the tester pack from Jillian's drawers seems silly. I don't need/want to test all different types of diapers, just different brands. And I'd like to use Rumparooz with maybe some Kawaii mixed in to bring down the cost.  But I don't understand how to NOT buy just those. Wouldn't I then end up with several diapers I hate and several that I love? Is it just a lesser-of-two-evils thing? Where I either take the chance of hating my whole stash or hating just some of it? I don't want to waste money on cloth diapers.  

I just don't understand how the whole trial-and-error thing works when you're figuring out life with a new baby and trying not to blow your budget.

Help please!


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