Cloth Diapering

I think I've got him!

DH did NOT want to cloth diaper.  He had it in his head that it was gonna be so hard and he would look at my old-school flat folding and just run out of the room.  I ordered some econobum covers since they were bogo and so cheap and you are supposed to be able to just lay a PF in there without any folding or pins or snappi.  I figured if they weren't any good I was only out 10 bucks so why not try it? They work great!   After 2 weeks, he told me to order more of them last night.  I do my changes with the flats and leave the PFs for DH.  I think he came around when he realized DD has at least a blow out a day in sposies and no leaks at all in cloth.  Now if I could only get him to volunteer to change more diapers.... 
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