Upstate NY Babies

I made DH got he the Thift Store!

Sat evening, DH told me he needed a new suit coat for a business trip.  He was leaving today (Tues)!  Nice, waiting until the last minute for something like a sport jacket!  I told him we were going to the Thrifty shopper!  DH doesn't shop at all, let alone at a thrift store.  But he is a very common size and I have a difficult time finding nice clothes in exactly his size, they are usually sold out.  But it is the perfect size for secondhand stuff.  He insisted we go to department stores, three stores later and no jacket, I got him to go to the Thrifty Shopper.  I found him three very nice, timeless jackets that fit him like a glove without going through even half the rack!  He couldn't believe how well they fit and how comfy they were.  So he got three perfect jackets for $18.  I had to have them rushed at the the dry cleaners, probably spend way more dry cleaning them than purchasing them.
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