
*Cute lunch check-in*

It was definitely an uninspired week around here! None of these lunches are particularly cute but my DD ate lunch every day just the same.

Seahorse lunch, AKA "most obnoxious way to present grapes." I thought this cute seahorse drink stirrer could double as a food pick - wrong! Served with some delicious homemade fried rice (she ate the peas and eggs only), strawberries, carrots and a Babybel cheese.

Checkered apple, which I haven't done in a while (it's easier than it looks!), with some dinner leftovers, a few strawberries and a Rice Krispies treat. The star is just a cookie cutter. DD loves the mini bunny fork.

Too much going on here! Hard-to-see grapes on picks, a halved cheese stick wrapped with salami along with some fruits and veg. She ate almost everything except the leftover potatoes.

A word of support for bento-type containers (any small container will do). I took DD to the zoo, which serves mostly junk. To make myself feel like a better parent, I packed grapes, raspberries, a few hidden strawberries and a bunch of "petite" baby carrots, plus a small homemade granola bar (which does have mini choc chips in it, but also flax seed, oat bran and oats). She finished all of the food from this container before she even touched the chicken and fries from the zoo, of her own accord. I was reasonably satisfied with what would otherwise be a very junky meal, plus what I packed did not get crushed and there was no waste from plastic baggies. Okay, off my soapbox! Have a great week!

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