Cloth Diapering

Mineral Oil on CDs! :(

So, DH left a cabinet open that normally has a baby lock on it.  DS got into the cabinet and dumped 16 oz of mineral oil all over himself and my carpet!   He was DRENCHED.  It went through his cloths to his diaper.  When I squeezed the outside part of the CD (the PUL) it oozed out.  I did a quick prewash on hot (no soap) and I'm now rockin a soak with hot water.  Gonna leave it for a few hours before I wash it.  Not sure if it got on the insert so much as the cover but I'm worried about it repelling.  Any other suggestions on what to do?! (besides kill DH when he gets home from work!)  Not only am I worried about the CD but I have a lot of oil in my carpet too!  uhhh!
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