Cloth Diapering

When did you start solid foods?

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Pediatrician gave the go-ahead at DS's 4 month appointment to start solids if we like.  DS is BF and of course we CD.  I think that DS is almost ready, in that he grabs for my cup and plate (although I think it's more of a "I want to put things in my mouth" phase).

I am curious to see how DS would do, but always planned on waiting until 6 months.

However starting solids means no more simply throwing diapers straight into the washing machine, which is one reason why I'm holding off now.  Plus, that I wanted to wait until almost 6 months (he'll be 5 months old this Saturday on the 5th).

When did you start solids with your LO (if you didn't have to start for medical reasons)?

My Ovulation Chart

Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

TTC #1 since June 2009: irregular cycles
BFP 1/20/10, EDD 9/28/10, born 10/5/10

TTC #2 since Nov 2011:
BFP 2/8/12, MC @ 5 weeks; BFP 3/22/12, MC @ 5 1/2 weeks; BFP 9/10/12, MC @ 6 weeks

Started seeing RE Nov 2012. Chromosomal test and all other tests came back "normal". Unexplained MCs. Found mild hytpothyroidism. Two unmedicated cycles, both BFNs. First medicated cycle (clomid, ovidrel) 1/23/13. Low progesterone found during 9DPO P4 test = 7.6. Put on prometrium supplements.

BFP 2/16/13; 2/18/13 (13 dpo): Beta #1=52.8, progesterone=18.7; estrogen = 412; Dr. increased progesterone dosage.
2/21/13 (16 dpo): Beta #2 = 269; progesterone = 32.4
2/25/13 (20 dpo): Beta #3 = 1,236
2/28/13 (23 dpo): Beta #4 = ?? tbd
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