Cloth Diapering

Frustrated about wool :(

I spent a small fortune on wool and fitteds when DS started peeing straight up and out of his pockets at night. Wool seemed to work as long as we had a hugely stuffed fitted- happy hempy with 2 full size MF inserts and a AFFF or a thirsties duo fab fitted with 2 extra afff in addition to it's MF. Then we started waking up damp- after a while soaked through. We co sleep and it blows waking up laying in pee every morning! We re lanolized everything, many times. Every part of his fitteds are soaked when I change him in the morning, soaked! OH yeah, he sleeps 11-13 hours a night and sleep nurses like every few hours, so no wonder right? I put him in his crazy stuffed fitted and a flip cover the past two nights and we woke up dry, horay! But bummer because wool just might not work for us :( I feel like everyone is gaga for wool, has it not worked for any of you?
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