Special Needs

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Hello All,

We just had our little girl on Feb 25.  She has been having trouble breathing since she was born,  Right after delivery she was rushed to the NICU.

After evaluation they came back and told us she was placed on the vent and they noticed several other abnormalities.  She has overlapping fingers, high arches in her feet and a very pronounced forehead. 

As of now she is breathing without the vent but with high flow oxygen.  When the oxygen is lowered her breathing becomes more shallow.  They are also telling us that she is "floppy" she has little to no support in her head and neck and is not swallowing or sucking.  We are waiting for further test results to come back to tell us more. In the mean time we wait and wait and wait. 

Did any of you all have similar issues with your lo?  I am a total basket case. I cry all the time.  I wish I could be happy that we just had a baby but instead I am scared, mad, upset, worried....

Thank you for reading and any advice would be great!!!

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