Special Needs

Landon Update and Neuro appt. on Tuesday

Landon is doing so well with EI.  Our "case manager" told me on friday that she has never seen a baby advance as much as he has in just less than a month.  He has almost caught up in many of the areas that he has delays.  She is so thrilled with his progress that she asked if it would be okay if she told our pedi (she is seeing him next week at a meeting) how well Landon is doing.  Of course I told her to please let him know.   Everyday I feel like I am witnessing a miracle.  A month ago I couldn't even look ahead to planning things in the future because I didn't know where Landon would be developmentally, etc.  Last week I actually called and scheduled his baptism for May.  I wanted to cry when I got off of the phone because it was exciting to think about his future without worry.  My husband and I have actually starting saying to each other that maybe he is going to be okay.  With all of this said we have our first appt. with the  neurologist at Kennedy Krieger on Tuesday.  I am starting to feel that sense of dread and panic again.  I don't want her to "ruin" all of this for us.  One of my fears is that she will do alot of thinking out loud......... I don't want to walk around with medical jargon in my head that may or may not apply to Landon.  I don't want to have to worry about seeing something on the internet or forcing myself to stay away from Dr Google.  God I hope everything goes well on Tuesday. 

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