Question about EE.....


My son was diagnosed with EE over 2 years ago. Until recently it has been fairly well managed.

 He has several diagnosis and a hard time digesting food, so until the last few months the EE has taken a backseat. Now, he is FINALLY eating his last endoscopy showed his Eosinophils over 50, which his GI Dr is really upset about. 

Between GI and the allergist it was decided we would take away wheat to see if that was the problem. (we have introduced quite a few new foods in the past 7 months on the advice of Dr GI's collegue).

Dr. GI is convinced removing wheat from his diet won't help and the only thing we can do is go back to only formula (elecare).

What is the big danger with the Eosinophils being high? Does that cause other problems? I am having a hard time getting a clear answer from the dr and google hasn't netted me much.

I am hesitant to just remove all food, as for the past year we have worked HARD to get him comfortable eating, chewing, swallowing. He doesn't eat anywhere near the calories he needs to sustain him, and we are heavily dependent on Elecare and the Gtube but I LOVE that he can eat, and does and isn't afraid. 


Katherine Proud Mommy and Foster Mommy