Cloth Diapering

daycare moms...wipes?

My DCP is thinking of allowing cloth diaps, yahoo!  Just wondering what you do for wipes at DC?  I really don't want this to be extra work for her.  She provides sposie wipes for all the sposie kids.  I am dreading the thought of sifting thru dirty diaps to dump poo and look for sposie wipes.  Does your DCP use cloth wipes?  How do you send them?  I considered sending flushable wipes but u r not supposed to flush like 6 at the same time... help!!  I really want this to work for the new baby!  I really love my DCP and was so disapointed when she wouldnt do CD for my son, not another mom wants to CD now too, so she is thinking about it... I want it to be as easy as possible.
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