Cloth Diapering

Should I be concerned?

I ordered cloth wipes from this Etsy seller on January 16th.

I never got a reply, shipping notice, anything like that - so I sent her an email one month after my payment (I'm in Canada and she's in the US so I felt like I gave enough time) to see what the status of my order was.

I get this in return: 
"First, let me apologize for the delay. You ordered during the week I was hospitalized with pneumonia and the flu. After which I got in a head on collision with an 18 wheeler. LOL I have good luck this month! In any case, I reviewed your order and they were shipped on the 9th. I've had a few cases with Canadian orders where it took two-2.5 weeks for the orders to be received, so I'm going to guess that you should receive your order sometime between today and Monday. Again, I'm very sorry - I've had a hard time keeping up with things this month, and I should have notified you of the delay."

I only have a few more days to report this to paypal or whatever right (I`m new to Etsy and Paypal so I`m not quite sure how it works exactly) or am I completely off base? I'm just stressed out, this being my first purchase on Etsy.

Would this concern you at all or am I looking to far into it? 

She said it was shipped, so it was shipped right? 

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