Single Parents

Don't know what to a little vent

The father of my child is taking me to court for sole custody. After a week of him trying to get a rise out of me. Telling me that he has taken pictures of stuff in my home that would consider me "unfit" (which I have NOTHING in my house that would make me unfit) telling me that using my daughters SSN in a wrongful manner would result in pressing charges. Telling me that he ran her credit (in one day) and asked if there was anything that I wanted to tell him (I am waiting for the credit credit bureau to send me her credit report in the mail which could take up to one month, which is why I know he is lying. Also I have had her SSN for six weeks and he has had it for three days so if there is anything recent on it, my idea would be him) Well now to piss me off a little more he is calling her by his last name (she has my last name) I am trying to stay strong for my daughters sake but I just want to tell him off. Anyway I was just wondering what to expect in court. If any of you ladies could give me an idea. Thank you :)
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